Jul 2022

England - new CLG lead contact at English member firm Kidd Rapinet

After many years of faithful service, (including being chairman for several years) to CLG, we are sorry to announce that Chris Henniker has retired as a partner of his law firm Kidd Rapinet, although he remains associated with that law firm as a consultant.

The firm's head of litigation, Richard Tymkiw, replaces Chris as lead contact for Kidd Rapinet within CLG. His direct e-mail address is RTymkiw@kiddrapinet.co.uk

Richard has been in practice since 1979 and has a strong record of wins in court in a diverse range of dispute topics; however, he recognises the value and expediency of taking a pragmatic and commercially focused approach to his work, and is always mindful of clients' requirements to contain costs.  

Richard has accompanied Chris to CLG meetings and conferences for several years, and the handover is seamless.

Richard is also an active contributor of articles and publications to CLG's website, and these are available on the Publications - England page of this website.

Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency - Cross Border Asset Recovery and Enforcement

Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency - Cross Border Asset Recovery and Enforcement -

Please click the following link to access the presentation by Clark Hill Solicitors:

https://clarkhill.zoom.us/rec/share/wmkitil-OE6Y0qXslu25p1TfSS2lCuMtfbewGM_AgQtPbt0tfHawkAA01R9dKK7N.tzYnS5YEgk6rdYtq Passcode: AC8Z!z!P

Ireland Examinership Becoming Critical In Int'l Insolvency

Ireland - July 2022

Ireland Examinership Becoming Critical In International Insolvency

Please click to read news article provided by Clark Hill, Solicitors, Dublin